
Thank you to the whole team for our little Anička. Thanks to your support, we’ve had a great, easy-going girl at home since December 6, 2023.

What’s my story? I was a career woman who didn’t plan on having children. And due to my own foolishness, I fell ill. Among other things, I also developed an endometrial cyst. Then, when I was 34 years old, the doctor told me that if I wanted to have children, it would be challenging to do so naturally and that I didn’t have much time left. That’s when I realized how foolish I had been.

So, I started undergoing IVF treatments… After 4 years of unsuccessful attempts, I underwent the EndomeTRIO test, which revealed my problem. Everything was treated and cured, and voilà – our little girl was born. Besides that, I have no clinical problems anymore (thanks to the cured ailments post-EndomeTRIO).

Schedule a non-binding consultation with us

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything you are interested in and suggest the next steps.

Did we help you with the birth of your baby?

Write us your story. We will be happy to publish it.


Thank you to the whole team for our little Anička. Thanks to your support, we’ve had a great, easy-going girl at home since December 6, 2023.

What’s my story? I was a career woman who didn’t plan on having children. And due to my own foolishness, I fell ill. Among other things, I also developed an endometrial cyst. Then, when I was 34 years old, the doctor told me that if I wanted to have children, it would be challenging to do so naturally and that I didn’t have much time left. That’s when I realized how foolish I had been.

So, I started undergoing IVF treatments… After 4 years of unsuccessful attempts, I underwent the EndomeTRIO test, which revealed my problem. Everything was treated and cured, and voilà – our little girl was born. Besides that, I have no clinical problems anymore (thanks to the cured ailments post-EndomeTRIO).

Schedule a non-binding consultation with us

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything you are interested in and suggest the next steps.

Did we help you with the birth of your baby?

Write us your story. We will be happy to publish it.

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Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

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Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

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Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842

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Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983

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[CZ] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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[CZ] Příběhy pacientů (vyskakovací okno, str po léčbě)

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Vyplněním těchto informací pomůžete dalším párům na cestě k jejich vysněnému miminku

Vyplněním těchto informací pomůžete dalším párům na cestě k jejich vysněnému miminku

* Povinné položky

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Make your dream of a complete family come true

Want to make an appointment or ask a question? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

[EN] Obecný formulář (vyskakovací okno, str Kontakt)


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Did we help you
with the birth of your baby?

Write us your story. We will be happy to publish it.

[EN] Příběhy pacientů (vyskakovací okno, str Po léčbě)


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