Prof. MUDr. Pavel Trávník, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Pavel Trávník, DrSc.

Independent researcher

I am a co-founder of assisted reproduction and clinical embryology in the Czech Republic. Since my studies I have been working on embryology and physiology of reproduction, my publications are quite often cited in foreign literature. I wrote the textbooks "Clinical Embryology" and "Clinical Physiology of Human Reproduction" for the education of professionals in assisted reproduction. My main area of activity is quality improvement in reproductive medicine. I am the head of the subdepartment of clinical embryology at the Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Health Care in Prague and a supervisor of graduates and PhD students at the Faculty of Medicine and Science of Masaryk University.

Membership of professional societies and other bodies:

  • European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
  • Section of Assisted Reproduction at ČGPS ČLS JEP - member of the committee
  • Association of Reproductive Embryology - Vice President

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Prof. MUDr. Pavel Trávník, DrSc.

Independent researcher

I am a co-founder of assisted reproduction and clinical embryology in the Czech Republic. Since my studies I have been working on embryology and physiology of reproduction, my publications are quite often cited in foreign literature. I wrote the textbooks "Clinical Embryology" and "Clinical Physiology of Human Reproduction" for the education of professionals in assisted reproduction. My main area of activity is quality improvement in reproductive medicine. I am the head of the subdepartment of clinical embryology at the Institute for Postgraduate Studies in Health Care in Prague and a supervisor of graduates and PhD students at the Faculty of Medicine and Science of Masaryk University.

Membership of professional societies and other bodies:

  • European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology
  • Section of Assisted Reproduction at ČGPS ČLS JEP - member of the committee
  • Association of Reproductive Embryology - Vice President
Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

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Emergency +420 602 592 842
Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842

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Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983

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