IVF treatment using donated sperm

If you are unable to achieve pregnancy using your own sperm, we offer IVF using donated sperm.

IVF treatment using donated sperm

If you are unable to achieve pregnancy using your own sperm, we offer IVF using donated sperm.

You're only 3 visits away from having a baby.

See how IVF treatment works

IVF success rate

During 4 IVF cycles 99% of couples get pregnant.
Around 7 out of 10 couples only need one IVF cycle to get pregnant.

However, the IVF success rate is very individual. Many factors play a role – your overall health and age, but also your mental state.

Careful selection of donors

We select donors according to strict criteria. They undergo all important examinations, and genetic compatibility with the woman from the treated couple, blood group compatibility and the physical similarity of donor and partner are all a matter of course.

One coordinator and years of experience

IVF treatment with donated reproductive cells is one of the key programs we have focused on since founding Repromeda.

A team of experienced professionals will take care of you and one coordinator, whom you can contact at any time, will guide you through the entire treatment.

Quick start of treatment

We won’t keep you waiting for longer than necessary. We’re able to start your treatment promptly to help you on your way to your dream baby as quickly as possible. Call or email us to arrange a non-binding consultation.

Schedule a non-binding consultation with us

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything you are interested in and suggest the next steps.

How IVF treatment with donated sperm works

1. Initial consultation

The initial consultation is the gateway to IVF treatment and lasts approximately 120 minutes.

After booking through the contact form, our English-speaking coordinator will reach out to you and discuss everything you’re interested in. The appointment date does not need to be based on your menstrual cycle; you can come anytime. For the examination, you don’t need to undergo any tests in advance. However, if you have previous test results, you are welcome to bring them

We recommend that both of you come for the consultation.

More about initial consultation

In women, we mainly focus on ultrasound examination of the pelvis minor, hormone testing and genetic testing.

More about female examination

Reproductive cell donation is strictly anonymous in the Czech Republic. Donors and recipients cannot identify each other. We select a suitable donor for you based on blood type and Rh factor. We also seek the closest possible match in terms of hair and eye colour, height or even personality traits and interests.

More about sperm donation

Each IVF cycle involves hormonal stimulation, which causes a higher number of eggs to mature in the woman’s ovaries than in a natural cycle.

The stimulation starts on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle and lasts for a total of 10 to 12 days. The application of stimulation drugs is not a complicated process. The nurse will help you with the first dose, and you can easily manage the next one at home.

More about hormonal stimulation

We retrieve eggs using a very thin needle, which, with its significantly smaller tip diameter, is more gentle in penetrating the tissues and minimizes the risk of complications.

The procedure is performed on an empty stomach and under general anaesthesia, which usually lasts no longer than 10 minutes.

The eggs are then fertilized on the same day and become embryos.

More about egg retrieval

Egg fertilization

The embryologist evaluates the quality of the eggs and fertilizes each of them with one sperm. Fertilization is performed using active micromanipulation methods (ICSI, PISCI), which significantly increase the embryo formation success rate.


After fertilization, we monitor the embryos and make sure they develop properly. The embryo is cultured for 5 to 6 days to the blastocyst stage. The best embryo care is provided by the MIRI Time-Lapse Incubator.

More about egg fertilization and cultivation

Cryopreservation, or the freezing of embryos, allows embryos to be stored for future use. Frozen embryos can be stored for several decades, after which they are thawed and then transferred to the uterus. After a failed IVF process or if you wish to have another pregnancy, you do not have to undergo the egg and sperm retrieval process again.

We use a state-of-the-art technique called vitrification to freeze embryos.

During this process, the embryos are rapidly cooled to a final temperature of -196 °C within seconds.

More about cryopreservation

The embryo is transferred through a thin cannula through the cervix into the uterus.
The transfer is usually completely painless and you and your partner can enjoy this moment, which might result in a new life.

More about embryo transfer

After the transfer, enjoy some peace and comfort and take the medication recommended by your doctors. If you do not get your period within 14 days of the embryo transfer, you can take a pregnancy test at home.

We will contact you after 14 days to discuss the next steps.

More informations

Schedule a non-binding consultation with us

And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything you are interested in and suggest the next steps.

Most frequently asked question

In order to undergo IVF, a woman needs the signature of her partner, who does not have to be her legal husband. At the same time, the woman is not obliged to name the man as the father of the child after the birth.

By law, a woman can undergo assisted reproduction methods up to the age of 49.

A consultation with our doctor is the first step to successful treatment. During the consultation, the doctor will discuss with you your family and personal history, the course of all the examinations you have already undergone, and the procedure for the examinations and treatment you have yet to undergo. The doctor will also inform you about prices and reimbursement options from your health insurance company. Both you and your partner should attend the consultation.

One third of cases involve the male infertility factor, the female factor plays a role in a third of cases, and the last third is due to the combined infertility factor.

Specifically, we can say that in men it is mostly a question of poor spermiogram parameters, especially a low number and poor motility or morphology (shape) of the man’s sperm.

Ovulation disorders (egg maturation and release), low egg quality, endometriosis, fallopian tube obstruction, ovarian and fallopian tube adhesions are often detected in women.

Both genetic partners may also have some genetic variations that will not allow the development of the embryo and lead to infertility or repeated miscarriages.

Methods increasing IVF success

We offer several supportive methods that will most likely shorten your baby journey.


MOON stands for 'Mature Oocytes Only.' It refers to a detailed examination of the maturity of eggs in polarized light to properly time fertilization.


A medium containing GM-CSF, an important growth hormone. It helps the embryo take in nutrients and protects it from cellular stress and apoptosis.


The MIRI TL incubator offers embryos the best care, comfort, and individual space. The embryos of each couple are cultured separately in one of the 12 separete heated chambers.


An examination that includes three tests from one sample of the uterine lining. A detailed examination of the uterine environment and determining the optimal moment for embryo transfer can be a very important step in identifying the cause of infertility.


The test is intended for all women who, during treatment with assisted reproduction methods, have obtained a small number of embryos or experience repeated embryo implantation failures.


The transfer of an embryo into the uterus is one of the most crucial steps in IVF treatment.


A cultivation medium containing a growth hormone, meaning the embryo not only develops better, but also communicates with the uterine lining. It increases the chances of successful embryo transfer in utero.

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Brno, Ostrava

Bc. Michaela Janíčková, DiS.

Head nurse


+420 702 247 322


Bc. Barbora Šobová

Day Coordinator


+420 607 001 671


Dana Kochová

Day Coordinator


+420 722 972 193


Bc. Martina Tocháčková, DiS.



Adéla Klepetková, DiS.



Eliška Široká


We have already helped bring 6 000 children into the world

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And take the first step on your baby journey. The doctor will discuss with you everything you are interested in and suggest the next steps.

Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842
Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm.

Emergency +420 606 029 983
Brno, Studentská 812/6, Czech Republic

Your questions will be answered Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm.

Emergency +420 602 592 842

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Ostrava, Dr. Slabihoudka 6232/11, Czech Republic

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3. Choosing a suitable donor

Before you go home, you and the coordinator will select a suitable sperm donor. If a woman takes the PANDA genetic test, the donor will not be selected until 4 weeks after the results are received to ensure compatibility.

All donors undergo genetic testing and repeated tests for sexually transmitted diseases. When selecting, we take into account the matching blood group and Rh factor of the donor and recipient and the physical similarity of the donor and recipient. If you wish, it is also possible to focus on character traits and interests.

Donors at our clinic must meet the following requirements:

  • age from 18 to 37 years,
  • good health,
  • absence of hereditary and psychiatric diseases in the family,
  • with no history of infertility,
  • with no history of drug addiction,
  • non-smoker,
  • at least a secondary school education ending with a matriculation examination.

5. Egg retrieval

After the end of the hormonal stimulation, it is time to collect the eggs, the so-called puncture. It is performed on an empty stomach under general anesthesia and usually takes no more than 10 minutes.

The contents of the follicles are removed by the doctor using a puncture needle under ultrasound control. For egg collection, we use a very thin needle, which, thanks to the significantly smaller diameter of the tip, is gentler when penetrating the tissues and thus minimizes the risk of complications.

In the collected follicular fluid, embryologists then search for eggs that are fertilized the same day and become embryos.

After the collection, you will have a short nap and rest. You can also have tea and something to eat. In just one hour after the collection, you can go home accompanied and return to your normal activities. We do not recommend driving the day after anesthesia.

Frequently asked questions

When and how will the egg collection take place?
The doctor determines the exact day of collection based on ultrasound examinations. Ovitrelle must be applied 34 to 36 hours before the puncture. Ovitrelle is a laboratory-made hormone that is injected into the fold of the skin in the lower abdomen. You don’t have to worry about forgetting – we’ll send you an SMS notifying you that it’s the right time.

What regimen should be followed before egg collection?
Do not eat, drink or smoke from midnight before the collection. Then come to our clinic on the morning of the puncture day.

What are the advantages of using a thin needle?
The Kitazato brand needle we use for puncture has a tip diameter of only 0.912 mm (in contrast to the commonly used 1.149 mm). For female patients, using this needle is safer and less painful. Less consumption of analgesics and anesthetics also increases the comfort of the treatment. Laser treatment of the needle tip ensures safer access to the follicle and less resistance from the surrounding tissue.

We then freeze the eggs so that they are ready for use on the day we receive the sperm from the donor.

4. Hormonal stimulation

Hormonal stimulation of a woman causes a higher number of eggs to mature in the ovaries than in a natural cycle. It is done by injecting medication into the lower abdomen. Application of drugs is simple and painless.

For stimulation, we use only modern drugs that are gentle on your organism and that increase the success of the entire treatment.

We start the stimulation on the 2nd to 3rd day of the menstrual cycle and it lasts 10 to 12 days in total. The application of stimulant drugs is not complicated. A nurse will help you with the first dose, you can easily handle the next one at home.

During the stimulation, you will have regular check-ups where the doctor will use ultrasound and blood tests to check that everything is going smoothly. You can have ultrasounds at your local gynecologist or at our clinic.

For many years, we have been using the high-quality preparation Gonal F for hormonal stimulation, which is applied in the form of a pen and is popular for its convenient application and high efficiency.

See how to apply medication:

  • Gonal F
  • Diphereline
  • Ovitrelle
  • Cetrotide

Frequently asked questions

Isn’t it all a waste of time? Before I get the results, I can already undergo IVF and be pregnant soon.
We believe it’s just the opposite. Our goal is to save you time and money. We don’t want to expose you to months of unnecessary uncertainty and unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. In addition, sometimes these attempts end in an early miscarriage, which means another loss of time that you need for regeneration, both psychologically and physically. We try to perform all tests in the shortest possible time and, based on the results of clinical and laboratory examinations, recommend a suitable procedure directly for you.

Does hormonal stimulation have a negative impact on the body?
The greatest hormonal burden on a woman’s body occurs during pregnancy. With hormonal stimulation associated with IVF treatment, hormone levels reach only a fraction of these values. If the stimulation of a woman is conducted correctly, it does not have negative effects on the organism.

What is hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)?
OHSS refers to an excessive response of the ovaries to hormonal stimulation. This condition is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, which is caused by the enlargement of the ovaries and the formation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Nausea or vomiting and diarrhea may also occur. Regular and careful monitoring of the entire stimulation is the prevention of OHSS.

How often does hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) occur?
With the development of modern stimulant preparations, the risk of hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) has been significantly reduced. Now these cases occur in fractions of a percent.

Is hormone stimulation and injection painful?
Pen injections are given under the skin (just like insulin) and are not painful. Towards the end of the stimulation, you may feel pressure in your lower abdomen like before your period.

Why do supplements for stimulants vary so much?
In addition to recombinant preparations that are produced in the laboratory, there are also preparations of urinary origin that are obtained from the urine of menopausal women.
These are highly purified drugs, but they do not guarantee the quality of stimulation with the reliability and precision we want to offer in our workplace. Surcharges for urinary preparations are an order of magnitude lower, but so far no clinical study or our experience has convinced us to recommend urinary preparations as the first choice.

What day is the first day of the cycle?
This is the first day of menstruation, i.e. heavy menstrual bleeding. Light bleeding is not considered the beginning of the cycle. If you start bleeding in the evening after 8 p.m., then the first day of menstruation is considered the following day.

Why do I have to go for check-ups during stimulation?
The body’s reactions to stimulation can be individual – depending on your age, weight, egg supply and type of stimulation preparation. We therefore monitor everything carefully during it. During check-ups, the doctor monitors the response of the ovaries using an ultrasound examination and, if necessary, determines the level of hormones by taking blood.

9. After the transfer

After the transfer, enjoy peace and comfort and apply medication as recommended by your doctors. If you do not get your period within 14 days of the embryo transfer, you can take a pregnancy test at home. We will call you 14 days after the transfer to discuss the next steps.

If the test is positive, you will be invited for a blood test and an ultrasound scan.

Pregnancies resulting from assisted reproduction are good to monitor, especially in the beginning, so the first examinations will take place in our clinic until the fetal heartbeat is confirmed. If all is well, we will then refer you back to the care of your treating gynaecologist, where you will attend a pregnancy clinic.

The most frequently asked question

Why can’t I take a pregnancy test until 14 days after the transfer?
During the course of IVF treatment, you are injected with a number of drugs that can skew the result towards either a false positive or a false negative. By taking the test after 14 days, you will save yourself the unnecessary stress that could arise from false results.

I can’t go to Repromedy for all my other checkups? I’m used to it.
Unfortunately, it can’t be. We would be happy to accommodate you, but we are not a registering gynaecological facility and cannot carry out pregnancy counselling. But we’ll stay in touch, so don’t worry. After the birth, we will ask you to fill in all the important information about the baby and if you wish, send us a reference or a photo of the baby. And who knows, maybe we’ll meet again in a few months or years. In short, we will be there for you whenever you need us.

One comma again. What am I supposed to do now?
Unfortunately, sometimes things don’t go the way we imagine and good news doesn’t come when we want it most. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, even IVF treatment is not 100% successful. The success rate of IVF varies depending on various factors such as your age, health and mental state.

Do what you feel is right. Scream, cry, be silent, talk about it. Give space to all your feelings. But don’t blame yourself. If you would like to talk to a psychologist or our staff about this, we would be happy to help.

It was my first IVF failure, should I change my treatment?
In case of first or second IVF failure, nothing happens. You don’t have to change anything. But if you’re wondering what else you can do to make sure you get two commas on your pregnancy test next time, we have some tips for you.

Try the beREADY endometrial receptivity test to find out your exact implantation window and determine the ideal time for your next transfer. You can also try the EndomeTRIO test, which, like the beREADY test, determines the implantation window. In addition, however, it also analyses the bacterial balance of the endometrium and detects bacteria causing chronic inflammation.

Do you believe in a holistic approach? So are we. Alternative medicine may not be what will always guarantee motherhood. However, it is a suitable complement to the methods of Western medicine and can really improve your health significantly.

More about alternative methods

We’ve failed repeatedly, now what?
Your doctor may offer you the option of treatment using donated sex cells. We know that this decision takes time and that you will need to think carefully about it. Take your time. Everything will come when the time is right.

7. Cryopreservation of embryos

In cycles where preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is planned, the 5. – 6th of development, a few cells are taken from the embryo and this sample is tested in the genetic laboratory. Meanwhile, the embryos are vitrified (frozen).

Cryopreservation, the freezing of embryos, allows embryos to be stored and used in the future.
Frozen embryos can be stored for several decades, thawed and then transferred to the uterus.
In case of a failed IVF process or if you wish to have another pregnancy, you do not have to choose a donor and sperm collection again.
To freeze embryos, we use the most modern technique called vitrification.
During this process, the embryos are rapidly cooled to a final temperature of -196 °C within seconds.

The most frequently asked question

Why do embryos actually freeze?
Due to the very high success rate, we only introduce one embryo at a time during embryo transfer. This is mainly to reduce the likelihood of multiple pregnancies, which tend to be risky. The remaining embryos that meet the conditions for quality preservation in a frozen state can be frozen for later use – so-called cryoembryo transfer.

Are thawed embryos really of the same quality as fresh ones? Don’t we have to worry about it getting damaged somehow?
Unlike the previously used slow freezing method, vitrification does not produce any ice crystals that could damage the cells. In addition, the cells are stored in special media that protect them from external influences. Even after thawing, the embryos are in excellent condition.

8. Embryo transfer

The embryo is transferred through a thin cannula through the cervix into the uterus.
The procedure is short, usually painless and performed to relaxing music. You can be with your partner for the procedure.

Transferring the embryo into the uterus is one of the most important steps in IVF treatment. In simple terms, it can be described as the transfer of the embryo through a thin cannula through the cervix into the uterus. The procedure is short, usually painless and is performed in the transfer room with relaxing music. During the transfer, you can watch a video recording of the transfer of the selected embryo and your partner can also be present during the procedure.

Embryos are ideally introduced into the uterus at the blastocyst stage. This is the 5th-6th day after the eggs are fertilized by sperm. One option is to perform the so-called. fresh transfer, the other option is to freeze these embryos and transfer them in the next cycle (cryoembryo transfer – KET). It is the second option that we prefer at Repromeda.

Acupuncture is a suitable complement before and after the transfer. Before the transfer, you will be pleasantly attuned and the pelvic area will be relaxed for easier embryo insertion. After the transfer, acupuncture is used to work with the circulation of blood to the uterus to promote nutrition and proper development of the embryo. In addition, you will relax pleasantly.

What if the embryo attachment fails repeatedly?

It may happen that despite a series of tests showing that nothing prevents the embryo from attaching, it repeatedly fails to attach. The problem may be caused by a uterine lining that may not be sufficiently prepared for the transfer. The beReady or EndomeTRIO test can help you in this regard.

  • Based on the analysis of the uterine swab sample, the beREADY test determines your individual implantation window and thus determines the optimal time for embryo transfer.
  • The EndomeTRIO test performs three tests simultaneously from a single sample of the uterine mucosa. In addition to determining the implantation window, it also analyses the bacterial balance of the endometrium and detects bacteria causing chronic inflammation.
  • A special culture medium called EmbryoGlue can help increase the chances of embryo nesting and subsequent pregnancy. This medium is formulated to mimic the conditions in a woman’s uterus while acting as a “glue” EmbryoGlue contains all the nutrients needed for optimal embryo development and helps with attachment to the uterine wall during transfer.

The most frequently asked question

Why do you prefer cryoembryo transfer or KET in Repromeda?
The main reason is the higher success rate of treatment. Why is that? The timing of the transfer to the woman’s next natural cycle, which is no longer burdened by hormonal stimulation (necessary for egg retrieval), contributes to a higher success rate. In the following cycles, we are usually able to achieve a better readiness of the uterine lining to receive the embryo. Another reason is the use of preimplantation genetic testing of embryos, which we currently perform on most of our patients. In this case, KET is the only option for time reasons. During the delayed transfer, we examine the embryos in our genetic laboratory. In the following cycle, we transfer the most promising of them.

Is embryo transfer painful?
For most women, this is an outpatient, painless procedure. In some women, the cervix may be narrowed because of a developmental defect of the uterus or as a result of inflammation or surgery. In this case, the transfer may be slightly uncomfortable.

Why do you transfer only one embryo during embryo transfer at Repromeda?
Because we know that transferring two or more embryos does not increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it only increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. By transferring one embryo, we prevent multiple pregnancies, which pose a risk to both the woman and the children.
The final decision on the number of embryos to be transferred is made by the couple in consultation with their doctor. However, we are very happy that the average number of transferred embryos in our clinic is 1.0. Our goal is not only your pregnancy, but a healthy baby in your arms. Only in this way can we ourselves be satisfied with our work.

Can I have twins after a single embryo transfer?
In the case of a single embryo transfer, multiple pregnancies can only occur in cases of identical twins resulting from the division of the original single transferred embryo.

How likely am I to get pregnant?
The probability of pregnancy after the transfer of one PGT-tested embryo is up to 58%. In most cycles, however, more viable embryos are obtained. Approximately 7 out of 10 couples only need one IVF cycle to achieve pregnancy. During 4 IVF cycles 99% of couples get pregnant.

6. Egg fertilization and cultivation

Fertilisation of eggs

The embryologist evaluates the quality of the eggs and fertilizes each of them with one sperm.
Fertilization is performed by active micromanipulation methods (ICSI, PISCI), which significantly increase the success rate of embryo formation.

Once we have the sex cells, we move to the embryology lab. This is where the so-called artificial insemination takes place. The embryologist assesses the quality of the eggs and then fertilises each egg with one sperm. Fertilization is nowadays standardly performed by active micromanipulation methods (ICSI, PICSI), which significantly increase the success rate of embryo formation.

We offer our clients a SpermPacket (for fertilization) containing a suitable combination of methods. This package includes ICSI or PICSI and optimal sperm selection, which is performed in two ways – MACS or Fertile chip.

The method of selecting the optimal sperm is based on previous laboratory tests, patient needs and current spermiogram parameters. The MACS method removes defective sperm with fragmented DNA from the ejaculate sample. The Fertile chip method gently sorts out the sperm with the highest motility and viability.

Embryo cultivation

After fertilization of the egg with sperm, embryologists monitor your embryos and care for their successful development. The embryo is cultured for 5 to 6 days to the blastocyst stage. We offer our clients the use of modern MIRI Time-lapse incubators. These incubators ensure the best care for the embryos, providing a separate space for cultivation while continuously recording their development via an integrated camera. Since there is no need to remove them from the incubator for microscopic examination, there is no variation in the parameters of the culture conditions.

In cycles where preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is planned, the 5. – 6th of development, a few cells are taken from the embryo and this sample is tested in the genetic laboratory. Meanwhile, the embryos are vitrified (frozen).

The most frequently asked question

What is classical or conventional IVF and why do we use it only minimally anymore?
This is a method in which eggs and sperm are placed in a “test tube” and waits to see if spontaneous fertilisation occurs without further intervention by an embryologist. However, this original method has a relatively low success rate and has been more or less replaced by the ICSI and PICSI methods.

What is the ICSI method?
The ICSI method is the most commonly used micromanipulation technique in which embryologists actively transfer one sperm into each egg.

Who is the PICSI method suitable for and how exactly does it work?
The PICSI method is suitable for you if the proportion of eggs fertilised by ICSI has been low in previous cycles, if the embryos have not developed optimally or if there has been a miscarriage. The main role in the PICSI method is played by hyaluronan, which is an important natural component of the egg envelope. The head of a mature sperm carries a specific receptor that allows it to bind to hyaluronan. In the PICSI method, the embryologist selects for micromanipulation fertilization those spermatozoa that show positive binding to the hyaluronan gel.

2. Female examination

At Repromeda, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We believe that every couple is unique. Together, we will find the appropriate treatment for you with the least risk of complications and the greatest likelihood of success. However, to do this, we need to carry out several examinations at the outset.

What examinations are waiting for you?

During the examination, we mainly focus on ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, hormone testing and genetic testing.

  • Ultrasound examination of the small pelvis and gynaecological examination
    This is an examination that you are familiar with from routine check-ups with your gynaecologist. Ultrasound is performed through the abdominal wall or with a vaginal ultrasound probe to assess the shape of the uterine cavity and the position of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Hormonal profile
    The examination is performed by taking a blood sample, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle (2nd-3rd day of menstruation). From the obtained hormonal profile, we can determine the exact level of sex hormones. If you are wondering what your egg supply is and therefore what your chances of future natural conception are, or how many eggs can be retrieved for artificial insemination, you can take the Femme test. The test measures the level of the hormone AHM (Antimüllerian hormone), which controls the process of egg maturation, and together with it, the levels of prolactin and thyrotropin, which co-create a picture of your reproductive health. Blood collection for this test is not tied to your menstrual cycle, so you can have it at any time.
  • Examination of thyroid hormones
    The examination of thyroid hormones is also carried out from the blood and determines the status of the hormones TSH, fT4, fT3, anti TPO and anti TG.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases
    We perform the test to prevent possible complications that STDs can cause at conception. These include the detection of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and HIV.
  • Immunological examination
    Some couples may have immunological causes of infertility, so this examination is also important and will help us determine the next course of action. If necessary, we will recommend further testing or a consultation with a reproductive immunologist.
  • Genetic testing
    Couples who have trouble conceiving often have structural chromosomal defects that we can detect with genetic testing.
    Determination of karyotype is a basic genetic examination that every couple undergoes at our clinic. However, we also offer more advanced genetic testing – PANDA Infertility and PANDA Carrier.
  • Fallopian tube patency test and hysteroscopy
    We perform this test only in indicated cases.

Frequently asked question

Isn’t it all a waste of time? Before I get the results, I can already undergo IVF and be pregnant soon.
We believe it’s just the opposite. Our goal is to save you time and money. We don’t want to expose you to months of unnecessary uncertainty and unsuccessful pregnancy attempts. In addition, sometimes these attempts end in an early miscarriage, which means another loss of time that you need for regeneration, both psychologically and physically. We try to perform all tests in the shortest possible time and, based on the results of clinical and laboratory examinations, recommend a suitable procedure directly for you.

1. Initial consultation

The initial consultation is the gateway to the entire IVF treatment. During the course of 2 hours, your doctor will discuss your family and personal history and go over all the tests you have already had. Based on this information, we will suggest a course of action. You will also learn the approximate cost.

At the consultation you will have the opportunity to ask questions about anything you want, so we recommend that you come along with your partner. You don’t have to worry about us overwhelming you with specialist terms; the doctor will explain everything in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Your treatment will be guided at all times by a strategic doctor, who ill help you with anything you need and answer any questions you might have. However, other equally experienced doctors may also carry out certain lesser procedures. Our daily coordinators will also be available to guide you through your treatment.

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