Embryos freezing

During one IVF cycle, several eggs are retrieved, from which embryos are created through fertilization. However, only one single embryo is transfered. You can choose to have the remaining embryos frozen for any potential future attempts or for a future sibling.

Embryos freezing

During one IVF cycle, several eggs are retrieved, from which embryos are created through fertilization. However, only one single embryo is transfered. You can choose to have the remaining embryos frozen for any potential future attempts or for a future sibling.

Embryos freezing

How do we preserve embryos?

For the preservation of embryos, the method of cryopreservation is used. They are stored frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 °C in special containers. The previously used slow freezing method has now been replaced by vitrification, which involves an immediate rapid temperature drop. Unlike slow freezing, no ice crystals are formed that could damage the cells.

How long can we store embryos?

Embryos frozen using the vitrification method can be stored for several decades. Once the right time comes for you, they can be easily thawed and used.

Is the chance of getting pregnant the same when using a frozen embryo?

With the correct procedure and embryo freezing, the probability of implantation is entirely comparable to that of fresh embryo. Sometimes, it may even be higher, as we are able to achieve better preparedness of the uterine lining for embryo implantation. Postponing the transfer to the following natural cycles of the woman also contributes to a higher success rate.

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Mgr. Martina Pešáková

Head of the Embryology Laboratory



Mgr. David Kubíček, Ph.D.

Director of the Genetics Laboratory (Scientific Director of the Laboratory)



RNDr. Gabriela Tauwinklová

R&D director



Mgr. Miroslav Horňák, Ph.D.

R&D director (Research Scientist for Genetics)



Mgr. Rostislav Navrátil, Ph.D.

Head of the Molecular Genetics Department



MVDr. Vlasta Linková

Head of the Cytogenetics Department


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